Segments of shoes


Labels with unmistakable signature, genuine value, trend-setting. Models in the finest materials and perfect craftsmanship


International trends of today and tomorrow and those that never go out of fashion. An inspiring selection of collections that cover the entire spectrum of the footwear industry.

Modern Comfort

Innovative shoe models with the highest quality standards that focus on the foot. Comfort features and the latest technologies ensure good wearing comfort – shoes to feel good all around.


As a perfect complement to the shoe collections, labels present their matching accessories, with great attention to detail.


Highest standards of quality and function from the very first step. Careful manufacturing and sustainable materials, for shoes that not only give pleasure, but are reliable companions.


Shoe collections with an especially careful selection of environmentally friendly materials and a sustainable as well as fair and responsible manufacturing process. Vegetable tanned leather, organic cotton and natural rubber to recycled synthetic leather and canvas.


Digital products and services

Technological solutions that support the design, sales and customer service process to continuously improve products and services for the industries.