what we offer


To make your visit to our trade fairs as pleasant as possible, we offer you a range of services. We hope that you feel comfortable and have a great trade fair weekend in Düsseldorf!

Be Connected!

Shuttle Service

Our shuttle service connects the SHOES DÜSSELDORF at Areal Böhler with the showrooms on Kaiserswerther Straße (shuttle point Karl-Arnold-Platz) and our partner hotels.

Inspiration. Innovation. Individualität. SHOES DÜSSELDORF. The place to be. READY FOR SUMMER 2024Richtungsweisende Trends. Schuhe, Mode und Accessoires – konzentriert und kuratiert. Genau zum richtigen Zeitpunkt. Dafür steht die SHOES DÜSSELDORF, die vom 27. – 29. August im Areal Böhler ihre Tore öffnete und den besten Kollektionen für Frühjahr/Sommer 2024 die perfekte Bühne bot.Inspiration. Innovation. Individuality. SHOES DÜSSELDORF. The place to be. READY FOR SUMMER 2024Landmark trends. Shoes, fashion and accessories – concentrated and curated. Precisely at the right point in time. This is what SHOES DÜSSELDORF stands for, which opened its doors at Areal Böhler from 27 – 29 August to offer the perfect stage for the best collections for Spring/Summer 2024.


Enjoy your stay in Düsseldorf during SHOES DÜSSELDORF in our nearby partner hotels at special rates. Information on special conditions:
Ingrid Kahlfuss
+49 211 4396 302 or mail to: service@igedo.com

Welcome to the Rheinland


Fashion, art & ‘rheinische’ hospitality – in addition to fashion, Düsseldorf also stands for art & architecture as well as a wide variety of gastronomic concepts. In the middle of the 20th century, Düsseldorf developed into a fashion metropolis and is still an international economic center in the heart of Europe with a wide variety of industries.

For more hotels, travel options and information about Düsseldorf, please contact our partner:

Gallery SHOES & Fashion  Vom 29. bis 31. August 2021 präsentierten über 400 europäische Schuhbrands auf der Gallery SHOES & Fashion auf dem Areal Böhler in Düsseldorf in ‚Alte Schmiedehallen‘, ‚Kaltstahlhalle‘ und ‚Halle am Wasserturm‘ ihre Kollektionen für Frühjahr/Sommer 2022. Mit dabei waren neben vielen Wiederkehrern zahlreiche Neuaussteller.  Begleitet wurde die Veranstaltung von einem hochprofessionellem Rahmenprogramm: Angeführt von der Order-Info der TextilWirtschaft, gefolgt von der HDS/L Pressekonferenz und der Verleihung des HDS/L Junior Award wie auch weiteren richtungsweisenden Trend- & Fashion Forecasts u. a. des ‚Fashion Trend Pool‘ und ,Modeurop‘.  Neu war zudem die stärkere Formierung des Themas ‚Sustainability‘.“ Gallery SHOES & Fashion  From 29 to 31 August 2021, more than 400 European shoe brands presented their collections for Spring/Summer 2022 at Gallery SHOES & Fashion at Areal Böhler in Düsseldorf in the 'Alte Schmiedehallen', 'Kaltstahlhalle' and 'Halle am Wasserturm'. In addition to many returning exhibitors, numerous newcomers were also present.  The event was accompanied by a highly professional supporting programme: led by the Order-Info of TextilWirtschaft, followed by the HDS/L Press Conference and the presentation of the HDS/L Junior Award as well as other trend-setting Trend & Fashion Forecasts, including those of the 'Fashion Trend Pool' and 'Modeurop'.  Another new feature was the stronger focus on the topic of sustainability.

Partner & Sponsoren

As a partner, we guarantee you a very special appearance on our SHOES DÜSSELDORF website. For further information, please contact Ms. Christina Grell at grell@igedo.com
